Creating experiences with you.

Let’s have a chat

Gathering and Program Designer

When you’ve got yourself a goal or outcome that involves bringing a group of people together but haven’t yet figured out the what or how, that’s where I come in. I’m a seasoned gatherings and program designer and I spend time with you to think about what to consider in creating a memorable experience for your target audiences.

MC & Workshop Facilitator

If you’ve already designed an event or workshop and want someone to take your audience through the event, session or experience, I offer Master of Ceremonies (MC) and Facilitation services.

I am a connector by nature, and a facilitator by choice. I come into my work from a background in system thinking, youth work, community engagement and co-design. You’ll see my best work when we have shared values, there is space for creativity, intercultural dialogue, learning and conversations and wellbeing. I’m inspired from when I studied Psychology and influences from around the world including Toi Marie Smith (strategist), Priya Parker (author) and Deeyah Khan (filmmaker) and learning from mine and other Indigenous Elders.

Values for how I work and who I work with

  • Justice and Liberation: we are mindful and always learning about what is oppressive and how we don’t repeat these cycles in our work together

  • Transparency: decisions are made and shared clearly with those who are most affected by them

  • Keep it simple: we work in a way that we can communicate to anyone in the room and know that they will be on the journey with us

  • Memorable: people live for experiences, so we ensure that we build meaningful, relatable and fun experiences throughout the process

  • Depth in impact: the change that we want to create is long-lasting, so its fine if just a handful of people engage but as long as its valuable

  • People first approach: work, timelines, outcomes are open to change if that’s what the people we serve need

Centering People in Programs

Let’s work together

Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
10 am – 6pm

0424 635 722
